EP 29


Curated by T Clutch Fleischmann
with Kazim Ali, Douglas A. Martin and Jackie Wang
and an afterword by Tisa Bryant

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This collection of interviews on queerness and the essay troubles categorizations of gender, sexuality, and genre in order to broaden understandings of form.
“Maybe ‘queer’ has lost its subversive edge for me? Maybe that is a direct result of capacious uses of the term ‘queer’ in literary circles, where queer signals aesthetics affinities rather than an embodied experience, resistance to a heteronormative way of life, or expression of affinity with certain subcultures and models of relationality. Perversion is probably more important to me than ‘orientation.’”
KAZIM ALI‘s books include five volumes of poetry (The Far Mosque, The Fortieth Day, Bright Felon, Sky Ward and the forthcoming All One’s Blue: New and Selected Poems), three novels (Quinn’s Passage, The Disappearance of Seth and Wind Instrument) and three collections of essays (Orange Alert: Essays on Poetry, Art and the Architecture of Silence, Fasting for Ramadan and Resident Alien: On Border-crossing and the Undocumented Divine). He is editor with Nightboat Books. Ali is an associate professor of comparative literature and the director of the Creative Writing Program at Oberlin College.
TISA BRYANT is the author of Unexplained Presence, co-editor and publisher of The Encyclopedia Project and co-editor of the anthology War Diaries. The Curator, her novel of missing persons and the Black cinematic, is forthcoming, as are two long-form meditations. She teaches fiction, African diasporic literature and hybrid writing in the MFA Creative Writing Program at the California Institute of the Arts, and lives in Los Angeles.
T CLUTCH FLEISCHMANNis the author of Syzygy, Beauty. A nonfiction editor at DIAGRAM, they are a regular contributor to a number of publications and websites, including Essay Daily. They can be reached at tee.fleischmann@gmail.com.
DOUGLAS A. MARTINis the author most recently of a novel, Once You Go Back. His piece Outline of My Lover was adapted in part by the Forsythe Company for their live film ballet Kammer/Kammer. Other work includes: Your Body Figured, a lyric narrative; Branwell, a novel of the Brontë brother; and They Change the Subject, stories.
JACKIE WANGis a queer poet, essayist, filmmaker, performer, alien and prison abolitionist based out of Cambridge, Massachusetts. Her work has been published in LIES, Action Yes, Pank, Delirious Hem, DIAGRAM, The Brooklyn Rail, October and The Semiotext(e) Whitney Biennial Pamphlet Series. In her critical essays she writes about queer sexuality, race, gender, the politics of writing, mixed-race identity, prisons and police, the politics of safety and innocence, and revolutionary struggles.